Thursday, January 17, 2013

Peru Post

Good afternoon, friends, we've traveled another five days - two on the high seas and three overland in Peru to visit Machu Picchu. This was actually Steve's 3rd visit to this wonderful ancient Inca city high in the Andes mountains, but it was Tom's first time to see the spectacular ruins. We traveled from the ship to the airport and flew on LAN Airlines to Cuzco, the ancient capital. Cuzco or Cusco means "navel" and got its name because just as the navel is at the center of our body, Cuzco was considered by the Incas to be at the center of their empire. Today Cuzco is the 4th largest city in Peru and it is situated in the mountain range south and east of Lima at 11,000 feet above sea level. This fact was troublesome because at that altitude we breathe 30% less oxygen. And both of us suffered from lack of sleep and mild headaches on our two day visit. But we nevertheless agree visiting Machu Picchu was worth it and the weather was beautiful.


  1. Love the updates and the photos. Sounds like you guys are having a fun time.
    Lucy & Max asked me to email you and tell you hello and they miss you, but are doing just fine.

  2. Terrific commentary and pics from you. We'll be talking about all this at Taverna's tomorrow evening.

    Kris has already decided where to take you when you visit. Watch out!!


  3. I'm so glad you guys loved it - that altitude can be a killer! Worth it isn't it??? We miss you. Today was the Stock Show Parade!

  4. We LOVE following your journey on this blog! Peru looks AH-MAZE-ING! Thank you for taking a moment to fill us in on the details. Sounds wonderful. We love you, Kylie, Niki & Stevie

  5. This was my first look at your blog. What a treat! The trip thus far seems idyllic!!! Thanks for sharing the photos and commentary. Wonderful vicarious experience. Jan


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