Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Steve's birthday post

January 30th was Steve's 65th birthday and we were treated to dinner at the Captain's table in the Pinnacle Grill. Lovely conversation, great meal - 6 courses - and gifts. Seating assignments so spouses and couples were separated were made to encourage conversations and we truly enjoyed the evening.

The next day (Jan 31) we were supposed to land at the Cook Islands, however seas were rough and tender operations had to be cancelled and so we departed for New Zealand and we should arrive a day earlier and the Captain has confirmed we will be able to dock the evening of February 5th. This is after we cross the International Date Line meaning we won't have a February 3rd on board the ship. Tom was delighted and asked if that meant the Super Bowl would be cancelled but the Captain assured us we would receive live transmission of the game the evening of February 4th, haha.

Steve isn't favoring a team this year, but will probably join other friends on board who hail from Baltimore - Go Ravens !!


  1. Being an avid follower, I was beginning to wonder when the next post was to arrive…. To date, it looks and sounds like a truly amazing adventure the both of you are on and looking forward to the future post!
    Stay safe … and please let me know who won the Super Bowl….

  2. I tried to message you, Steve, for your birthday (belated). Was refused entry. So, Happy Birthday Belated now. Enjoying your posts. Just returned from my cruise and a week in Miami.

    Go Ravens--they did!


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